Preservation is about the story. About remembering who and what came before, so we can understand what we want to carry forward into the future. Every place has stories, and it is up to us to learn them so we can build on the wisdom (as well as understand the mistakes) of what came before.
New is good, but generally not just because it is new. If a place is torn down that held a story of how that area grew and developed, then we need to hear that story as well as find a way to preserve that into the future. When we do then it helps the next generations to learn and understand. It’s important to know where you live.
Uncovered Hollywood is one way Hollywood Heritage looks to explore and tell these stories. We want to share with you the hidden experiences of those that made Hollywood happen. We want to collaborate with you if you hold a story important to the shaping of the area so that it is told. We want to inspire you to see how essential these stories are so that you share them, and that they spur you to take action to protect the places that hold these stories.
The Vital Role of the Japanese-American Community in Hollywood
For our first article in the Uncovered Series, we celebrated Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by exploring the role the Japanese American community held in the formation of Hollywood.
The Divine Creative - Sister Corita’s Legacy
Through a connection to the Corita Arts Center we learn about this wonderful and powerful teacher, artist and activist who called Hollywood her home for many years. Time for some inspiration in these troubling times.
Pride 50th Celebration - Half a Century of Protest
As a celebration of Pride, which began June 28, 1970, we look at the role of Hollywood Boulevard as an epicenter of protest and awakening in LA, and the Black Lives Matter marches share in that long tradition.