Interested in protecting Hollywood’s landmarks and neighborhoods?
Hollywood Heritage needs volunteers to help us keep track of landmarks, neighborhoods, and homes in Hollywood. Even if you only have a little time each week to offer, it makes a significant difference in the work we do.
Tasks range from:
Periodic checking on property conditions
Assisting with events
Leading History Tours
Writing landmark applications
Internet and library research
Maintenance of our watch list (must be familiar with Excel)
Monitoring City websites for Council, Commission, and hearing agendas
Organizing email “blasts” for committee members and general public
Updating walking tour content
Creating new walking/ self-guided driving tours
Newsletter articles related to preservation issues
Developing our “Hollywood Historic Streets” project
Managing the Survey data (Excel)
Oral history
Your volunteered time, expertise and passion for the Hollywood community is valuable and supports our mission and vision. Since we a primarily volunteer organization, we are sustained by your possible contribution. Contact us to learn more!
For information email:
Is a building possibly in danger?
If a building is a designated landmark, or is in a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (Historic District), the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety is responsible for investigating code violations on existing single family residential, commercial, industrial and vacant buildings inside the City of Los Angeles. If you wish to file a complaint regarding potential code violation(s) on a private property, you may do so by using this website:
City of LA Department of Building and Safety - or calling 311.
The following information is required when submitting a service request:
1) Property address requiring attention
2) Your name
3) Your phone number
You can learn if there is a permit on file for an address by accessing the PROPERTY ACTIVITY REPORT. The purpose of the Internet Based Property Activity Report is to allow easy access and visual display of general information from the Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) and the Code Enforcement System (CEIS). This general information can be generated by either the address(es) or PCIS/CEIS number associated with it.
There are 4 ways to access this information via THIS LINK.
4 ways to search:
1. Address (use the "th" in numbered streets)
2. Permit Application Number (15 digit xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx)
3. Plan Check/Job Number (10 digit)
4. CEIS Customer Request Number
You may also access the Property Activity Report from the ZIMAS webpage of the property. Select the "Jurisdictional" dropdown menu and click on "Building Permit Info" View.
Code Issues in Housing
If a building is a multiple residence, such as duplexes, apartments, etc. these types of structures fall under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Housing Department. To report a property violation on a building of this type go to:
You may also call the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) at 1-866-577-RENT (7368). The LAHD is responsible for investigating code violations related to rental properties within the City of Los Angeles containing more than one dwelling unit, such as duplexes, apartment buildings or more than one single family dwelling on a property.
NOTE: the website takes you to the Property Activity Report webpage even when selecting the Report a Violation site. However, once the property information is provided, the Report has a link to the Report a Property Violation site.
The purpose of the Internet based Property Activity Report is to allow easy access from the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) Code and Rent Information System (CRIS).
There are 3 ways to search:
1. Address
2. 10-digit Assessor Parcel Number (APN)
3. Case Number
If the violations are public health related such as Mold, Infestation, Rodents, Lead or Asbestos concerns, you must contact Environmental Health Services Los Angeles at 1-888-700-9995.
Our Thanks to the Los Angeles Department of City Planning, Office of Historic Resources for this useful information and to the Los Angeles Conservancy for putting together the conference and making this information available.
Many members have contacted us regarding how to proceed when they see questionable activity going on at a historic, or potentially historic site - Please follow the links below to obtain phone numbers to call in this situation.